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Writer's pictureHand-n-Hand Peer Support Inc.

Peer Supporter Spotlight: Dr. Nardine Elzahaby

"#IPeerSupportBecause we need to get better at looking after ourselves and after each other. "We need to lead with kindness and positive energy, and the only way to do so is to build connections with our peers and share our experiences." Nardine is a psychiatrist providing peer support to a group of international medical graduates through Hand-n-Hand. She is also a founder of IMGSOS, an organisation helping IMGs taking their licensing exams in Australia. "It intrigues me how we look after our patients the best we can but not after ourselves the way we should. "This makes us vulnerable to distress, burnout and makes the workplace toxic and intolerable; things that I have experienced on a personal level, quite often sadly." "We need to stay attuned and connected with ourselves and each other. We are social beings and we thrive in groups. We can’t be sole agents navigating a difficult system and challenging jobs on our own." For her dedication towards healthcare workers' wellbeing, Nardine was named Junior Doctor of the Year by AMA Victoria in 2020, and was awarded a PMCV Well-Being Champion Award in 2021. She is also a keen musician (piano and vocals!) "I provide peer support because I believe that we need to change the culture in medicine. We need to grow a culture of compassion and care because you can’t draw water from an empty well. "We all need to fill the well with water. Together, we can do that!" Want to become a peer supporter like Nardine? You can register here:


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